Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

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0161 330 1065

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary is proud to be awarded: GOOD by OFSTED++++EXCELLENT by SIAMS++++GOLD by the RE Quality Mark++++

  1. News and Parents information
  2. Inclusion and family support


Does your child have Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or a Disability?

At Holy Trinity, we aim to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met. For children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), we ensure these needs are identified early and that appropriate provision is made.  We have the highest expectations of our SEND pupils and, in line with our core values, we strive to ensure they become "motivated learners and loving neighbours" who are well prepared for the next stage in their educational journey.

If you need any advice or support around mental health, please speak to a member of the team or click here to see a list of support services in Tameside.

Meet the team

Miss Clare Fisher- SENDCO

Mrs Pauline Nixon- Deputy SENDCO. Delivers specialist interventions for pupils with EHCPs and other SEND pupils

Mrs Lesley Ainsworth- Pastoral lead and social and emotional support 

Mrs Amina Ali- Support for SEND pupils within Key Stage 1

Mrs Jackie Morris and Mrs Jill Clegg- Support for SEND pupils within Key Stage 2


At Holy Trinity CofE Primary school, we work hard to ensure that all pupils:

  • Have a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs and learning preferences.
  • Have access to a purposeful learning environment that enables them to make progress according to their individual developmental trends.
  • Are assessed appropriately.
  • Have equal access to resources, provision and intervention as needed.

Special Educational Needs provision is educational provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age. This means provision that goes beyond the differentiated approaches and learning arrangements normally provided as part of quality first teaching. It may take the form of additional support from within a setting or require involvement of specialist staff or support services.

Click on the links below to find out more about how we support children with SEN in our school:

Holy Trinity Local Offer

SEND Policy

SEND context at Holy Trinity 2023

Parent Pupil Voice Feedback

Description of Interventions we offer


SENDCO- Special Educational Needs Coordinator. A teacher who has received specialist training in the coordination of provision for children with SEND. They are responsible for ensuring that the needs of children across the school are met and that provision is effectively targeted on those with the highest levels of need. 

IEP- Individual Education Plan. A plan that describes the alternative and/or additional needs of a child and how they will be met each term. At Holy Trinity these are reviewed with staff at Inclusion Meetings each term and with parents.

PCR- Person Centred Review. A meeting held each term with staff and parents to review progress and to devise next steps. Children's views are a key part of this meeting although their attendance depends on age and level of understanding.

EHCP- Education Health and Care Plan. A legal document that describes the support a child needs in addition to that which can normally be provided by a school. When an EHCP is awarded by a Local Authority, schools receive additional funding.

EP - Educational Psychologist. A specialist professional who can give schools and parents a better understanding of a child specific educational needs. They produce reports that form the basis of IEPs and, if required, EHCPs.

SaLT- Speech and Language Therapy. Assesses children’s speech, language and communication needs.

CLASS- Communication Language and Autistic Spectrum Support. Assesses specific needs and provides support as required.

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (Known as Healthy Young Minds in Tameside). A specialist service that provides support to children in coping with mental health and well-being issues.

SENDIASS Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service. Provides free impartial, confidential and accurate information, advice and support about education, health and social care for children, young people and their parents on matters relating to special educational needs and disability.

ASD- Autistic Spectrum Disorder. A lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.

ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A behavioural disorder that includes symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

If there are any other words  that you do not  understand please come and speak to the SENDCO or Deputy SENCO.

Useful links to other organisations

SEND Children Thrive and Educational Psychologist Support Tameside Early Years

SEND Children Thrive and Educational Psychologist Support Tameside School Age

Tameside local offer

 National Autistic Society

Tameside SENDIASS  0161 359 8005

The Ear Foundation - Charity supporting children and adults with hearing loss

I CAN - Children's communicaton charity focusing on SaLT

Young Minds - Charity for children and young people's mental health


Useful Websites for Home Learning

Oxford Owl Reading - Phonics and reading resources

One Place - Resources for social stories

ICT Games - Online maths and literacy games

Little Puddins - Autisim blog with resources

SLP solution - Speech and language resources and information

Do2Learn - Resources aimed at improving behaviour, social skills and communication

Phonics Play - Resources for phonics

Out of the Ark - Music resources

Jumpstart - Fine motor skills activities

Fun with Spot - Online games to improve working memory



Useful Websites for Bereavement Support 


Winston's Wish- A UK children's charity offering support and advice for dealing with bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care - A national charity offering support for bereaved people with a free helpline.