Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

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Kenyon Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 7DU


0161 330 1065

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary is proud to be awarded: GOOD by OFSTED++++EXCELLENT by SIAMS++++GOLD by the RE Quality Mark++++

  1. News and Parents information
  2. Young Carers

Young Carers at Holy Trinity

Young Carers are children, who look after someone who is unwell, disabled or needs additional support. Usually the person they care for is a member of their family.

As a Young Carer they may:

  • Help someone get around the house – lifting them up, helping them up or down stairs, or helping with physiotherapy.
  • Help someone look after themselves – dressing, washing, and going to the toilet.
  • Help with medication – giving tablets or injections or counting medication.
  • Housework – doing all or most of the cooking, cleaning, or shopping.
  • Look after money – paying the bills or collecting benefits/Money.
  • Look after siblings – putting them to bed, walking them to school, or supporting emotionally.
  • Emotional support – keeping someone calm, or just having to be there to make sure they are okay.
  • Supporting at medical appointments.
  • Interpreting for someone with a hearing or speech problem, or someone who doesn’t speak English.

The person responsible for Young Carers at Holy Trinity is our Pastoral Lead Lesley Ainsworth. If you believe your child is a young carer please speak to her via the school. If you would like to refer your child yourself you can do so by completing the Young Carers Referral Form


More support is provided by the Tameside Young Carers Project

Support Available from the Young Carers Project might include:

  • One to one support is available on request from family, schools, or other professionals. This support can be specific to the need of the young person.
  • Half term activities and residential trips.
  • Opportunity to meet other young carers who have similar roles and increase their friend base.
  • Schools are made aware that the young person is a young carer and can access support in school.

You can find out more about this service by following this link.